On July 26, 2016, the body of European Data Protection Authorities (DPAs)—the “Article 29 Working Party” (WP29)—issued a statement commending the improvements made to the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield (Privacy Shield). Although the WP29 continues to have some of the concerns raised in its April 2016 opinion, and the Privacy Shield will most likely face legal challenge, the Privacy Shield is a valid tool for companies transferring data from the EU to the U.S. Companies can begin registering for the Privacy Shield on August 1, 2016.
The WP29 statement indicates that it will pay close attention to the annual joint review called for in the framework and to ensuring that individuals may effectively exercise their rights under the Privacy Shield. The WP29 emphasizes that it will closely monitor the functioning of the Privacy Shield and will not hesitate to request changes that it believes are warranted as a result of the first annual review of the Privacy Shield framework.
Click here to read our complete WSGR Alert discussing the WP29 statement.