The European Union (EU) has revised its Cybersecurity Directive (NIS2). The new rules will apply to a wide range of companies in many sectors, create new cybersecurity obligations, and impose high fines for noncompliance. EU countries have until October 17, 2024, to transpose the new rules. As the deadline approaches, companies should assess the impact on their cybersecurity strategy. This alert summarizes the key obligations for businesses.Continue Reading NIS2: Preparing for EU’s New Cybersecurity Rules

On July 4, 2023, the European Commission (EC) published its proposal for a regulation laying down additional procedural rules for the enforcement of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (proposal). The proposal focuses on procedural issues relating to handling complaints and conducting investigations in cross-border cases.1 The proposal adds to the procedural rules laid down in the GDPR and addresses certain practical issues and gaps. In particular, the proposal harmonizes at an EU-level the rules on complaint admissibility, strengthens due process rights for complainants and defendants, and streamlines cooperation between supervisory authorities (SAs, i.e., national data protection authorities or DPAs). If it is eventually enacted, the proposal would be of considerable importance in facilitating the enforcement of the GDPR in cross-border cases.Continue Reading European Commission Proposes New Rules for Cross Border GDPR Enforcement

On March 15, 2023, the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) announced a coordinated action on the role of the data protection officers (DPOs). The data protection authorities (DPAs) will ask DPOs a series of questions

Continue Reading EU Privacy Regulators Coordinate to Assess Compliance with the GDPR Rules on Data Protection Officers

On September 15, 2022, the European Commission (EC) published a Proposal for a Cyber Resilience Act (CRA Proposal) that sets out new rules in the European Union (EU) for software and hardware products and their remote data processing solutions. The CRA Proposal introduces mandatory cybersecurity-related requirements and reporting obligations, including about product vulnerabilities, for manufacturers, importers, and distributors of such products. The potential sanctions include product withdrawal from the EU market and fines of up to EUR 15 million or 2.5 percent of total worldwide annual turnover for the preceding year.
Continue Reading European Commission Proposes New EU Cybersecurity Rules for Software and Hardware Products

On December 6, 2021, the Belgian Data Protection Authority (Belgian DPA) issued its recommendation on biometric data processing (Recommendation).[1] The Recommendation provides guidance on how to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) when processing biometric data.
Continue Reading Belgian Data Protection Authority Clarifies Key Rules on Biometric Data Processing

On November 10, 2021, the UK Supreme Court ruled[1] that class representatives in data privacy class action suits need to prove damage or distress suffered to be successful. Compensation cannot be granted simply by virtue of proving that a company violated the law. The case was heard under the UK’s pre-2018 data protection law, but the UK GDPR arguably does not change the essence of the Court’s ruling.[2]
Continue Reading Lloyd v. Google: UK Supreme Court Rejects Data Protection Class Action in Landmark Ruling